Day 22: When Obstacles become Prancing Grounds
I don't know how to break this to you, but living Plastic-Free is easier than I thought it would be. Do you know when you make a wild...

Day 15: Go with Winning
Aha! An unexpected challenge: Today I won a reusable bag of groceries . How? I don’t know. As far as I can tell, it was just for being a...

Day 5: Don't leave me, Plastic
Super photo from stellar trash-activist Alison's Teal. "We have the power to change the world with every purchase." Truth! Oh Plastic,...
I Promise Not to Judge You
This plastic-free thing has ruffled some feathers in my community. I feel people reacting with fear, with distrust, maybe a little hate....

Day 2: Plastic-Free Ground Rules
Let's get real. What exactly am I doing in this "Plastic-Free" Month? It's time to weed out some unrealistic goals. Will I give up all...

Black Diamond Yoga is for You
Did you know that Black Diamond Power Yoga is for you? Yes, you. Diligent yogi, at your exact physical level, Black Diamond Yoga is all...

A Plastic-Free Month
Today I commit to a plastic-free month. Inspired by the woman who has lived without waste for two years, and by my dear friend Lydia...